In my previous article- “Biden’s Trojan Horse – Illegal Immigrant Flights” I looked at the country as a whole and shared at a macro level some of the data I have collected discussed how the Biden Administration is:
A) Flying people under the cover of darkness to states throughout the US, and
B) Attempting to mislead the public with narratives about these flights that do not stand up to scrutiny.
This is the first state specific article and focuses on Pennsylvania (PA).
I chose PA because we have seen large numbers of flights into the state, and when questions were raised by a US House member and a candidate for Governor last Christmas about the flights, the current Governor and his aides (sadly) chose to lie to the public in response. Americans deserve better from our Government. Bringing thousands (millions?) of people here with little to no vetting given that we know all too well that some of the people crossing the border are drug dealers, sex traffickers, terrorists and criminals. Obviously not all are, but there is no denying that some are, and an open border only invites more of them. The country deserves to know what is going on, and what the Biden Administration is doing with the hundreds of thousands of people on these planes. So far all we have gotten are snide answers and stonewalling when questions are raised.
By way of background, much of which was covered in my initial piece, on October 19, 2021 last year the NY Post’s Miranda Devine (author of the bestseller Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide) broke a story, with pictures and facts of migrant flights shuttling illegal immigrants into Westchester, NY late at night. Her story many see the reality of our broken border and immigration system (which we knew), but that the Biden Administration was going to great lengths to hide where these illegals were being sent.
My prior piece examined statements by the Biden Administration and the “Fact Checker’s” who claimed the press’ stories were inaccurate. They claimed that the migrants on the flights were illegals being ferried from one ICE Detention center to another (proven to be wrong by the fact that states without any ICE Detention facilities have received hundreds of flights since July of last year), or they were children being placed with parents or guardians (proven wrong by the NY Post that followed the busses and saw migrants placed in a group home), and lastly, that the flights were not landing in the middle of the night (my research reflect that when Jen Psaki was asked the question, 55 flights had landed at Westchester. 44 landed between 7PM and 7AM and worse yet, 27 of those landed between 10pm and 4AM.
If that were the end of the flights or if Westchester was the only city receiving these flights it wouldn’t be the crisis that this story represents. But as I said earlier- there are quite literally thousands of these flights occurring. Planes are flying in and out of 48 states in the US (not to mention the thousands of flights to foreign countries which I will address in a later article).
With the Biden Admin is getting ready to remove Title 42 COVID restrictions, this crisis is about to get markedly worse. (Title 42 was a Trump era Executive Order during COVID which limited border crossers during the pandemic).
Another key aspect of this story is how hard the Biden Admin has worked to hide the flights to Westchester and other cities. All one needs to do to determine that something underhanded is being done is to look at how the flight plans are changed when someone raises questions. When flights are exposed, as the ones to Westchester were, subsequent flights end up flying to different (often more remote) airports, and some times the landing times are tweaked to make it a little “less” late at night (since the NY Post’s coverage in October, 42 flights have landed in Westchester. 28 are still in the “after hours” period of 7PM to 7AM. But 22 of the flights landed between 7PM and 10PM. The Biden Administration has done similar things in Pennsylvania because there too, news media covered migrant flights coming in to the state.
In January of 2022, Fox News host Lawrence Jones shared pictures of migrant flights landing on Christmas night at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (PA) Airport. The pictures and commentary were provided by former US House Rep Lou Barletta (who is currently running for Governor in PA). Additionally, US House Representative Dan Meuser (R-PA) referenced the flights in a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson demanding to know why flights were landing in PA in the middle of the night.
On Wednesday December 29, 2021 the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf told Fox News in a statement that “the migrant flights that arrived at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport on Dec. 11, 17 and 25 were not ending their journey there, instead passing through on the way to their guardians and sponsors.”
His Press Secretary, Elizabeth Rementer, backed up his claim saying:
"Had any of the elected officials sending letters/statements asked, they would have received the same information that we have from HHS; over recent weeks, unaccompanied children passed through the Wilkes-Barre airport en route to their final destination to be unified with their parents or vetted sponsor. These were not ICE flights as the senator claims."
Sadly, the Governor and his Press Secretary were not telling the truth about these flights.
Here is the flight path for the December 11 flight (the Governor said the three flights all went to Scranton, I assume he simply mis-spoke or misunderstood the flight in question as the December 11 flight went to Harrisburg):
The December 11 flight was clearly not a “layover” in PA. The plane arrived in Harrisburg, PA from Ontario, CA at 6:03 PM on the 11th, and at 9:47AM the next day (15 hours later?) flew back to Tucson, AZ, without any stops. How is this a “layover”? Where is the “next stop” that was described where the “unaccompanied children were unified with their parents or vetted sponsor”?
Here is the flight that landed on December 17th. I have some questions:
Layovers are normal in the commercial airline industry. For airlines to efficiently provide service to smaller airports they use a hub system. Everyone knows about this. Airlines don’t send 12 planes from all over the country to less busy locations. Instead, the planes meet at a central location (the Hub) where the passengers who all want to go to Pt A get off the various planes they took to get to the Hub and then all get on that plane, while the people going to Pt B get on a different plane. This is not new. But we are not talking about commercial flights. This is a charter. Are we to assume the plane needed fuel? The plane was 30 minutes from JFK. And it stayed on the ground for almost 2 hours, at 10PM. Was there some other reason for stopping? Also, the next day the plane flew to Miami. Can anyone clarify why they needed another layover (this time in Pittsburgh) 1 hour into what’s normally a 3-hour flight. With the hour and a half on the ground the flight to Miami took over 5 hours.
There were two flights to PA on December 25. The Governor referred simply to a plane that had a “layover” in Scranton. I included the flight plan for both flights to cover my bases. I guess I am a little perplexed however- Scranton is approximately 600 miles northeast of Scranton, while McAllen is 1,400 miles to the southwest (and Laredo is similar at 1,360). So what would have been a 1,400 mile trip instead became a 2,600 mile trip (600 mi to Scranton up and back, then the distance to Texas)? For a “layover”?
How confident is anyone reading this that no one got off the plane(s) to stay in PA?
How many planes have actually come to PA?
Since mid-July 2021 my research has documented 357 Domestic flights operated by these charter companies have landed at 9 of PA’s airports. (This ignores the International flights to PA which I will be studying later). In full disclosure, I do not assume that every single flight that lands is bringing migrants to Pennsylvania. The companies being used are true charter airline companies and likely have many traditional charter flights (business flights, sports teams, tour groups etc.) that fly to Pennsylvania. However, because the migrant flights all come from the same places on or near the border, often from smaller less commercial airports that do not typically see large amounts of business or leisure air travel, it is relatively easy to determine that many of these flights are in all likelihood migrant flights.
The “Border Airports” as I have referred to them include airports along the southern border where the vast majority of migrants are coming into the US. These include airports in Southern CA, AZ, TX, LA, MS and FL. I have documented 85 direct flights into PA from these airports as reflected below (which is only part of the story):
But this in no way means that only 85 flights have come to PA from the border. Many flights leave the border airports and stop in another state before landing in PA. This makes it difficult to know what kind of flight it is if all you see is the last city prior to landing in PA. The charter companies also are aw
are of this and go to great lengths to mix up the airports they use. This is especially common when the press has reported on the existence of these flights at a particular airport.
In Miranda Devine’s first reporting about migrant flights landing in Westchester, NY she referenced the fact that many of the flights were going from TX and LA to Jacksonville, FL before then flying to Westchester. At the time of her article 34 of the 55 flights that had landed in Westchester flew out of Jacksonville. Since Mid-October when she first wrote about these flights, 42 more flights have landed at Westchester, but only 2 have left from Jacksonville prior to landing in Westchester. Instead, the charter companies use a series of other airports to disguise the flights.
This is occurring in PA as well. Lehigh Valley has received 30 flights by the charter companies. Of the 30 flights, 17 have come directly from border airports as reflected below:
I researched the other 13 flights that have come to Lehigh Valley. Not surprisingly, like other airports around the country- all but one started their flight “legs” from a Border Airport (see chart below). These 13 flights that landed in Lehigh were coming from Detroit, Buffalo, Charleston, Memphis, etc. but what many don’t realize is that all (but one) started at one of the border airports. This is not by accident. Which means 29 of the 30 flights to Lehigh started at the Southern Border.
Another trick that I see in my research is that some airports will stop being used when they “get attention” in the press. (This is another clue to me that the Administration knows exactly how unpopular this is, but they do it anyway and just hope people won’t find out).
This happened in Pennsylvania with Scranton. After the 3 flights in December that saw politicians on the news asking questions Scranton has not had a flight from these charters land (that I am aware of).
Instead, locations like Bradford Regional (KBFD) about 250 miles northwest of Scranton on the NY border (and a location that had seen no flights prior to the news reporting in late December) has received 3 flights. University Park Airport is also seeing increases in flights since the stories broke with 11 flights in January and 7 each in February and March (August through September last year none of these charters landed there). Also, these numbers ignore the increases in flights to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. In total PA received 40, 42 and 47 flights in October, November and December 2021. But in January, February and March the state received 55, 60 and 51 flights respectively. And while some of these are likely business charters as the impact of COVID dissipates, many are likely migrant flights as we saw in Lehigh.
NOTE: In addition to being careful not to assume all flights to or from major airline hubs (such as Miami and Atlantic City) are migrant flights, I have taken additional steps to try to weed out flights to other airports that may actually be commercial flights. I constantly check a variety of airline flight reservation sites to look for “non-stop flights” that may exist between the cities referenced. There have been cases where a charter airline is “filling in” for a commercial airline on a route that exists. If I find an existing commercial route exists I will dig further to determine whether the charter company is operating for that commercial carrier. I have removed flights from the analysis for that reason.
In addition to the flights referenced in the news I cited above, I have been able to document hundreds of other flights that fit the likely “migrant flight” description.
Here are some examples:
For examples of how shifting airports can make two flights appear very different- both times the plane took off from Laughlin/Bullhead in Arizona, but each appears very different to the people in PA- one as a flight from Detroit, while the other is a flight from Denver.
In the 5 months from August through December 2021, Dayton had been the recipient of 16 flights, an average of 3.2 per month. In the three months from January to March, 2022 the number rose to 22 flights, an average of 7.2 per month, more than double the monthly average from August through December.
Is this because of the reporting about Scranton? All we know definitively is that no flights have landed in Scranton since the news stories broke. I am not claiming that all flights into Dayton must be migrant flights, the specific one above is from Gulfport-Biloxi in MS which has had 145 flights out of it since July last year. Gulfport-Biloxi also happens to be a joint airport held with the MS Air National Guard. Many of these charter flights go through military bases, presumably for the security they provide as well as lesser visibility by the public- who questions a “government flight” on a military airport?
To sum this up, for the flights to Pennsylvania I have documented 109 flights that either started or went through Texas, 93 that went from or through airports in Florida and 58 went from or through airports in Louisiana. This is likely the movement of huge numbers of people into the state of Pennsylvania. Do I have proof they were all migrant flights or all the migrants stayed in PA? Were some possibly bussed to other locations? I can’t say, but given that there are likewise large numbers of flights landing in New Jersey, New York, West Virginia and Ohio, it’s a safe bet that a large number stayed in Pennsylvania.
The very large numbers of flights that have taken place provide a sense at the sheer magnitude of this operation nationally. For PA alone if we assume that 250 of the 340+ flights are migrant flights (TX, AZ & LA account for 255 flights alone), and that each plane had 150 passengers (the charter contracts with the government require the use of Boeing 737 or similar planes which can hold from 120-190 people), that potentially represents 37,500 new immigrants in the state of Pennsylvania. Is the state aware of that? What fiscal burden will be placed on the taxpayers for these new residents? Is there a criminal element within this group that will cause additional problems? What don’t we know about these migrants? When the Government won’t acknowledge what they are doing and answer questions there is a serious problem.
Pennsylvania is only one state out of 48 where this is occurring (Hawaii and Vermont are the only states not to receive any flights, although Delaware is close with 3). The numbers also prove the lie that these are simply the case of a few flights of migrant children being shipped to nice homes. If this were the case why so many flights? And why would the Biden Administration immediately shift airports the minute a reporter asks questions or reports on what is occurring? Why did the latest flights to Westchester, NY stop far away from airport fencing so the NY Post photographer could not get pictures of who was being unloaded onto busses?
The reporting about the coming lapse of Title 42 needs to be taken seriously. Between the wide-open southern border creating a vacuum for migrants of all types from all around the world, to this systematic process of moving them to other locations in the country we will likely see a very different country in the years to come. This is being facilitated by the Biden Administration and its cronies and we have to ask why. A country without borders ceases to be a country at all. We ignore this at our peril.
I welcome questions or comments about my research, my methods or sources. Please feel free to contact me at