By now everyone is well familiar with the 2 plane loads of illegal immigrants that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent to Martha’s Vineyard. In doing this FL Governor Ron DeSantis managed to destroy two narratives that Liberals claim incessantly, with one simple act:
1. That Liberal Democrats actually care about diversity, inclusion and equity. It is, and always has been, nothing more than a talking point. One they are willing to cast aside, and quickly I might add, when they are faced with ACTUAL diversity, as the residents of Martha’s Vineyard proved.
2. That Joe Biden is not flying illegal immigrants around the country, to cities and states, often late at night. The press chose to cover the Martha’s Vineyard story and now it has blown up in their collective face(s).
First, as for what happened in Martha’s Vineyard, the press, Democrats and certainly the island’s residents had a collective conniption. So much so that within hours of the planes landing the residents of the island called MA Governor Charlie Baker (a RINO Republican who fits right in on the island or would but for the “letter” next to his name) for help. He, of course obliged and sent the national guard to remove the illegals lest they decide they wanted to actually stay there.
I have to mention that for an island that is very much IN YOUR FACE about their collective desire to welcome people of all types, they put a hard stop to anything resembling inclusion and welcoming very quick.
But as the homeless director on MV stated, there is a housing crisis and finding room for 50 people was impossible. I would have thought being a resident of a touristy place like MV she would be familiar with at least 1 of the 181 Hotels on the island that might have some empty rooms. After all, the summer population of 200,000 people has shrunk to its normal post Labor Day 17,000 people.
Or maybe there might be a bedroom or two at an Airbnb. They do list 524 homes after all.
But I guess the residents of MV would rather fundraise for themselves then actually do anything to help the migrants who found themselves wandering the tony streets of Edgartown. Its too bad this has gotten so much bad press because a lot of helpful people want to give to ease the housing crunch on the Vineyard (or should I say Vin-yahd?). Fortunately for them there are ways to help.
Regardless, the migrants are now back where the residents of MV want them, behind fences on a military base on Cape Cod. So not only are they not on the island any longer, they are 30 miles away on a military base being watched by people with guns. Kind of an odd “welcome” from a community that yammers incessantly about inclusion and standing with refugees no?
But I digress, the only reason this has become an issue at all is because one Republican Governor had the hutzpah to send a group of illegals to an island where the average home costs more than $1MM. I am sure Texas Governor Abbott, who has been sending busses of illegals to DC for a while now is a little po’d the press dutifully ignored his attempts to shine a light on the border problem. But no matter, it’s now frontpage news and even the talking heads on CNN can’t ignore what’s going on.
Of course, while the Governors have been talking about this previously, the majority of the press ran and hid behind their fake fact checkers on all manner of “illegal immigrant” subjects- Are late night migrant flights occurring? Is Biden shipping illegals to states around the country? Yada yada yada. And the “fact checkers” of course complied with their Liberal masters creating fiction that none of this is going on.
“PolitiFact” (I have to put their name in quotes because they are woefully wrong so often) said it was “Mostly False” that Biden is ‘secretly’ flying immigrants into U.S. cities.
They state:
“The vast majority of people on the flights are unaccompanied minors who crossed the border, requested asylum under immigration law, and are being released from federal custody to a parent or sponsor.”
“Some of these flights happen at night, but they are not covert operations. The same types of flights were done by the Trump administration.”
Well that’s weird because for well over a year NY Post reporter Miranda Devine has provided details and actual PICTURES of flights and the migrants being sent in the middle of the night to Westchester airport, here, here and here.
Other news outlets have referenced other similar flights in other parts of the country such as flights to Scranton, PA at the end of 2021. (And yes, Governor Wolf of PA was lying when he claimed the flights that stopped there were “layovers” as I documented in this article in April.)
But let’s look at Politifact’s claim- that flights are not “covert”. As Miranda has discussed, many of these flights were landing after the Westchester Airport closes.
Here’s some examples:
In fact, of the 145 flights I have documented to Westchester only 26 (18%) of them arrived between 6AM and 5PM. The rest arrived later than that and almost half (66) between 10 PM and 6AM. But we are supposed to believe PolitiFact? Um no….
Other in the press and on talk shows screamed that DeSantis has no right to send these illegals to MV. I will ignore the ridiculous commentary that somehow this was a hardship for these people. After leaving Venezuela they walked, trucked and were bussed through Columbia, Panama (don’t forget crossing the Darien Gap which can only be done by foot), Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, only to arrive at the southern tip of Mexico.
At some point in their 4,500 mile journey they then met up with the drug cartel members who, if they didn’t rape or kill them, didn’t sell them into sex slavery, they delivered them to the Rio Grande River. A river that has killed numerous migrants attempting to cross, some sadly, only recently. But the press would have us believe that getting on a jet and flying to an island where people (at least for a couple of hours) made them dinner and gave them Leftist talking point t-shirts is a “hardship”?
(As an aside I see the residents of the Vineyard did raid some of the hotel’s stash of “Hospitality” Crisp Rice and little boxes of cereal. I guess they weren’t about to spring for actual Rice Krispies when the hotels, you know, the ones with thousands of empty beds that the migrants couldn’t sleep in, had boxes and bags of institutional cereal to spare.)
But I want to see it from Governor DeSantis’ point of view. As the Governor of the state, he is responsible for the health and welfare of the citizens of Florida. And the Biden Administration’s use of these flights, without telling the local officials that they are arriving, puts ALL Floridians at risk. Don’t believe me? Locals know all to well what happened with one illegal immigrant who stabbed to death the person who was caring for him. Or the couple brutally murdered in Daytona Beach by another illegal immigrant. There are real consequences to these decisions by the Biden Administration.
Many have claimed that, like with the NY Post articles about Westchester, that the Biden Administration is not hiding these flights. If that is the case how does one explain these flights?
Of the 341 Flights I have documented coming from “Border Airports” in Arizona, Texas and Louisiana, 31% arrive between 6AM and 5 PM. The rest, 234 flights, have come between 5 AM and 6AM, with 60 landing between 10PM and 6AM.
How any so-called Fact Checker can claim this is not being done “covertly” is nonsense.
The Press has attempted to use what Governor DeSantis did to make him look bad. Sadly for them, it has blown up in their faces as the public, many of whom were not aware of much of what the Biden Administration has been doing, now sees it for what it is. They are waking up to the recognition that the Biden Admin is using this “open border” policy to move illegal immigrants all over the country. And yes “PolitiFact”, they are doing it covertly and under the cover of darkness. Because to do it any other way, would have people screaming even more at the disaster that this Administration is.
How many illegal immigrants have been shipped to your state? (and this is just June to August of this year!)
More to come…..